With a little preparation, winter can be just as much fun to play outdoors. In Halton Hills, take advantage of toboggan hills, trail hiking and cross-country skiing, and outdoor skating.
Tobogganing is a fun winter activity for all ages! Did you know that just 30 minutes of sledding, and the necessary hike up and down the hills, can burn between 200-300 calories? It also strengthens your leg muscles and your heart. Tobogganing can also result in an injury if you’re not prepared, alert and ready to spot something dangerous before it happens. Ride at your own risk, and see our tips below to make your outdoor adventure safe and fun.
Only toboggan at designated toboggan hills. Tobogganing in any other park or natural areas is prohibited under Parks By-law 2013-0062.
Protect your brain - wear a helmet! Choose a certified hockey or winter multi-sport helmet that fits correctly and where the chin strap is done up securely so that the helmet stays on in a crash or fall.
Outdoor rinks are closed for the season. Please check back for more information in January, 2025.
Weather permitting, Town staff will construct and maintain natural outdoor ice rinks during the winter season. Locations maintained by the Town of Halton Hills are intended as the primary locations to enjoy recreational outdoor skating during the winter season, but smaller rinks maintained by volunteers may also be available.
Town of Halton Hills parks operating season ends in late October. Parks and trails are not maintained during the winter, and conditions may be slippery, especially boardwalks and bridges. Winter parks and trails are used at your own risk – use caution and dress appropriately. Snowshoes and cross-country skis are popular methods of accessing trails during winter months.
Tracks at Fairgrounds Park in Georgetown and Prospect Park in Acton will be plowed occasionally throughout the winter, providing easier access for walking. Due to the granular surface below, only partial clearing can be performed and visitors should still dress appropriately and use caution.
Additional pathways will be cleared at Dominion Gardens Park, Gellert Community Centre and along Eighth Line in Georgetown.
Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing is permitted in Town of Halton Hills parks and open spaces. You may be moving faster on skis - please respect other park visitors and allow space for each other to use trails and pathways. Ski at your own risk. A few recommendations include starting at Cedarvale Park or Prospect Park, which provide large open spaces perfect for skiing or snowshoeing.
For your safety, skating or playing on frozen storm water ponds is prohibited.
Storm water management ponds are not safe for winter recreational use (skating, hockey, sledding) as ice conditions are unstable and unsafe. Use of storm ponds for these activities is prohibited. Look for on-site signage to know if the pond is a storm water pond.
Because storm water ponds are functioning drainage infrastructure, water flow and water levels can fluctuate quickly without warning. Ice depth can change across the pond, and salty runoff can lower the freezing temperature of the water, all increasing the risk of falling through the ice.