An Official Plan is a policy document, which is intended to serve as the basis for making land use decisions and managing change in any municipality in Ontario. According to the Planning Act, an Official Plan “shall contain goals, objectives and policies established primarily to manage and direct physical change and the effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the municipality”.
Town of Halton Hills Official Plan (2008) provides guidance for transportation objectives which includes the following:
facilitate the safe and efficient movement of people and goods within the Town's communities and to and from adjacent municipalities;
establish an integrated transportation system that safely and efficiently accommodates various modes of transportation including trains, automobiles, trucks, public transit, cycling and walking;
promote public transit, cycling and walking as energy efficient, affordable and accessible forms of travel;
protect transportation corridors to facilitate the development of a transportation system that is compatible with and supportive of existing and future land uses;
ensure that new roads in urban development areas are constructed safely, designed in a grid-oriented street network to help distribute car and truck traffic evenly and provide access for the future operation of an efficient public transit system;
ensure that appropriate right-of-way widths for all existing and proposed roads are provided in accordance with the Planning Act;
encourage the use of alternative development standards for roads, where appropriate;
encourage the efficient use of land along transportation corridors to maximize the use of public transit; and,
restrict development on private roads.
Schedule B1 of the Official Plan identifies a Functional Plan of Major Transportation Facilities. This includes classification and jurisdiction of roadways within the Town of Halton Hills.
On January 24th, 2017 Town staff presented an overview of services delivered by the Engineering Divison, as well as ongoing and planned projects for 2017, to the Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce.
The past, present and future of Transportation in Acton
For information regarding Regional Plans, Strategies and Studies, including the Regional Transportation Master Plan (2011) and Active Transportation Master Plan, please see Halton Region's website. For information regarding Regional Environmental Assessment Projects, please see Halton Region's website.
GTA West Transportation Corridor Route Planning and Environmental Assessment Study |
The multi-phase GTA West Transportation Corridor Route Planning Study is being undertaken by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO). This study aims to provide the transportation infrastructure needed to accommodate projected population and employment growth identified in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2006). It will offer greater connectivity between urban growth centres, enhance people and goods movement, improve commuting, and increase economic vitality. Environmental Assessment (EA) Study
GO Transit Kitchener Waterloo Expansion |